A joint venture between Laing O’Rourke and Dredging International (LORDI) were appointed by DP world to construct the new London Gateway deep water Container Port and associated Logistics Park on the north shore of the Thames River at Stanford Le Hope.
Ashleigh Contracts' Works Comprised:
- The construction of approx. 1750m of coastal protection Revetments associated with the reclamation of new ground and raising of existing levels to create the new Port Development site.
- Formation of the Revetments comprised final shaping of the dredged sand and shingle that had been pumped ashore as part of the channel widening and deepening of the approaches to the Port area, placing of geotextile on top of the profiled shingle and placing of the underlayer and armour rock to form a core bund along the full length of the stage 2 site to allow for the retention of reclamation material comprising mainly dredged sands & gravels.
- The Revetments comprised seaward slopes varying between 1:3 and 1:7 protected with approx. 101,000T of primary Rock Armour graded in 60 to 300Kg placed in an 800mm deep layer on top of 50,000T of 5 to 40Kg underlayer (360mm deep layer).
- The Revetment comprised a south leg running 1400m in length parallel to the Thames River and a west leg of 350m length returning inland alongside a mud flat nature reserve. Both legs had a crest level of +8.0m above Ordnance Datum and a Toe level of -7.00m. Low tide level was -2.55m which meant that all of the lower revetment was constructed below water using long reach excavators with the requirement for divers being removed by the use of an in house constructed roller attachment for placing of geotextile.